Trail Grading, May 11 2023

Heavy road-building machines have been grading the Del Rio Trail for at least a week, but I was visiting my dad up in Washington for his 90th birthday party and I missed all the action down here.

Work at the Darnel Way and Riverside is proceeding at a rapid pace, with crews continuing to build up the area for Gathering Location #1 and the freeway overpass where the trail will connnect with the existing bike trail along the Sacramento River.

The formerly vacant lot at Darnel Way is now filled with a gigantic mound of dirt waiting for the next phase of construction. The grading crew told me that fill dirt from a dredging operation at the port in West Sacramento had been trucked in for the construction.

Further south, the trail is beginning to take shape and surveyors are mapping out the 15-foot width of the final route. Immediately north of Florin Road, the trail zig-zags through an open field, while on the south side of the road it cuts sharply into the old railroad embankment.

Just north of Z’Berg Park, crews cut a gash in the embankment where the trail will stop following Freeport Blvd. and make its way behind neighborhood homes to the park.

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