Gathering Place in South Land Park

There will be four “gathering places” along the trail. The first is at Riverside Blvd. and Darnel Way, near the railroad bridge over I-5. According to the city’s project plans, up to four such locations will be designed for “rest or contemplation along the trail,” and artists are supposed to “work with community stakeholders to discuss ideas and gather insights about the specific communities that utilize the areas where the spaces are located.”

This location could “celebrate trains and train history through art along with other historic themes,” and the artists could use “upcycled elements from trains or train tracks” to build their sculptures.

The trail will be maintained by the Department of Public Works. The park spaces will be maintained by the Youth, Parks, and Community Enrichment Department. And the artwork will be maintained through the City of Sacramento’s Art in Public Places (APP) program.

Before: Dec. 7, 2022

During: Jan. 30

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